Credit Suisse Continues Gender Pay Gap Trend
The bank is the latest financial firm to announce a gender gap in its hourly and bonus pay.
Credit Suisse
has revealed that female staff earned 29 per cent less than men
in 2017 when measured on a median hourly basis, adding to a
number of financial organisations disclosing such a differential.
The median hourly pay gap has, however, shrunk by three per cent
from April 2016, which stood at 32 per cent.
The Zurich-listed lender is among around 50 global financial
institutions that must report on the pay and composition of its
UK staff to the government by 5 April.
Credit Suisse also reported that the mean hourly gap had
tightened by 10 per cent year-on-year, which came in at 39.2 per
cent. Bonus pay showed large differences, as the bank logged
a median bonus pay gap of 56 per cent for 2017, down by 3.1 per
cent. The mean bonus pay gap was 70.2 per cent for 2017, down
from 75.8 per cent in 2016.
Peter Goerke, the bank’s senior human resources officer, told the
Wall Street Journal that women made up just 14 per cent
of managing directors globally as of the end of 2017, up from 11
per cent two years earlier.
In a bid to close the pay gap, he said Credit Suisse has
"aspirations" -- not hard targets -- of around 18 per cent female
managing directors by 2021, and increasing the proportion of
director-level women to 27 per cent that year from 23 per cent at
the end of 2017.
The bank’s median pay gap was rather small compared to other
banking institutions’ operations in the UK – including JP Morgan
(54 per cent), Schroders (44.8 per cent), Barclays (43.5 per
cent) and Lloyds Bank (42.7 per cent).
Controversy over the issue comes as sectors such as wealth
management are, practitioners say, trying to improve the working
environment for women, particularly as retaining and hiring
female staff is seen as important when more women are wealth
Earlier this month, this publication
reported that UBS, Goldman Sachs,Invesco, Danske Bank, LGT
Vestra, Hargreaves Lansdown, Man Group, Investec Wealth &
Investments, Brown Shipley, Brewin Dolphin, Bank of Ireland and
Cameron & Company Financial Planning had signed up to the Women
in Finance Charter.
More than 200 firms have now signed the Charter and over 650,000
employees in the UK are covered by its plan to tackle gender
inequality in financial services.